Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Elephant Man

This movie was of course very depressing. It is about being an outcast, the "other," a deformity that every cunning, evil person tries to capitalize on.

In a way, I feel a little like the Elephant Man. I have been the "other" in many ways and have had to tell many people that I'm worth more than they think.

I love the part in the movie where John (Joseph Carey) Merrick says, "I am not an animal! I am a human being!" This is where he speaks up for himself and becomes his own master. So often, people who cannot defend themselves become the so-called animals, beasts, in society.

I relate this "other" concept to everybody. Just think how if you were bullied in middle school and high school, you became the "other." Just think how painful it is, now magnify that a thousandfold and you are the Elephant Man.

I was very moved and saddened by this blatant exploitation of such a human being. To me, the Elephant Man, a creature who craved acceptance and love, was innocent and kind, and therefore very beautiful and admirable. He stood for anyone who ever felt like the odd ball out. I was so moved by John Hurt's performance that the floodgates wouldn't stop.

My heart goes out to Joseph Carey Merrick, though he's long gone. He will always be that symbol of the "outsider." The lonely downtrodden will always find solace in this notable person, and if Joseph Merrick should be remembered for anything, it should be that he made the rest of the world feel not so alone. We are all sometimes the Elephant Man. We may look normal on the outside, but inside, we're just as disfigured and just as lovely to unravel and discover.

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